Bunnies, ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, sheep, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 Daily
Bunnies, we have a few available now so if you want a Christmas bunny come early, we have Holland lops, Lionheads, and Netherland dwarfs, 45.00 each while they last, we also have a cage special 125.00 for a new cage and water bottle, food bowl, bedding, Timothy hay, toys and treats and the bunny of your choice.
Ducklings, Mallards, khaki Campbell, magpie, Peking, and Swedish 8.00 each.
Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 each.
Pullets about 6 weeks old, barred rocks 8.00 each.
Laying hens, gold sex links 18.00 Red sex links 20.00 these birds are about 5 months old and should start laying anytime.
Peacocks, between one and two years of age, platinum, opal, cameo, Spaulding, bronze 150.00 each. males and females are available.
Hay 4×5 rolls clean no stickers or sunflower or mesquite 50.00 each.
Honey bears 4.00 each.