Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, turkeys, bunnies, donkey, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio


Hours of operation 10-6 every day

Chicks, all hens all 5.00 Ameracaunas, black australorp, Rhode island reds, barred rocks.

Japanese silkies many colors at 5.00 each.

Barnyard mix chicks, straight run could be hens could be roosters 2.00 each, can discount for volume sales.

Laying hens, red sex links about 4 and 1/2 months old 17.00 each.

Turkeys, four black Spanish left about 2 weeks old 14.00 each.

Peacocks, males only, Spaulding and blue and one silver pied left 150.00 each. birds are coming up on two years old.

Male miniature donkey, white with brown spots 300.00

Dorper/Katahdin cross sheep all females about 4 months old 150.00 each.

Bunnies, call for availability, we have dwarfs, Holland lops, and lion heads 45.00 each

Round bales of hay bluestem/coastal mix, clean no stickers or mesquite 60.00 each.

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