Laying hens, chicks, peacocks, ducks for sale in San Antonio


Our hours of operation is 10 to 6 everyday

Laying hens, red sexlinks 17.00 each.

Chicks, guaranteed females, Rhode island reds, barred rocks and red sexlinks 5.00 each.

Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 straight run, naked necks, marans, ameracaunas  and more

Ducklings, Swedish, peking 7.00 each.

Baby geese many breeds this is the last shipment of the season for geese 14.00 each.

Dorper sheep, males and females about 3 to 4 months old 150.00 each.

Jerusalem donkeys, two females and one male 300.00 each.

Peacocks male and females, many colors, pieds, cameos, bronze, opals, spaulding, blue, blue white eyes 150.00 each.


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