Chicks, ducklings, geese, quail, peacocks, bunnies laying hens for sale in San Antonio

Baby chicks in today, black sexlinks, barred rocks, buff orpington, buff brahma’s all hens guaranteed! 5.00 each.

Pullets, Ameracaunas about 6 to 7 weeks old already feathered out and outside with no heat lamp 7.00 each. Only have about 20 left.

Ducklings, Khaki Campbell, Peking, Indian straight runners 7.00 each.

Baby geese, white Chinese three weeks old 15.00 each.

Baby quail, courtinix one week old 1.00 each, three weeks old 2.00 each, adults 5.00 each.

Young peacocks and peahens, many colors to choose from peahens 110.00 peacocks 100.00 if you take a pair 200.00

Bunnies, we have lots to choose from lionheads and Netherland dwarfs, 40.00 each. Holland lops should be ready early Feb.

Laying hens, 5 months old Barred rocks, red sexlinks and gold sexlinks some have started laying eggs already, 17.00 each.

Ibex, I have pregnant females and one male left asking 300.00 each or best offer.

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