Quail, ducks, turkeys, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio
Chicks in this week all hens, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington 5.00 each.
chicks four to six weeks old, ameracaunas, barred rocks 7.00 each, all hens
pullets 10 weeks old, Rhoad island reds, gold sexlinks 10.00
peacocks, only have three white males left 150.00 each.
laying hens, about 16 weeks old, Ameracaunas 16.00 each.
baby ducklings (Peking) 7.00 each. Adult ducks laying age 22.00 each.
quail, Texas A&M chicks 1.00 each. adults 5.00 each.
we still have a few bunnies left but are running out fast, lops, dwarfs and lionheads 40.00 each.
we have used rabbit cages 15.00 each, used rabbit boxes 10.00, rabbit feeders 2.00 for small ones 3.00 for large ones.
snake traps 35.00 each.
baby turkeys 12.00 each for one week old, 20.00 for 6 to 7 week old, only have a few left.