Turkeys, geese, ducks, chicks, peacocks, quail, bunnies, for sale in San Antonio
Ok Todd I am back on the job
We did get in chicks this week even though all the hatcheries were out, we must be special
we have barred rocks, gold sexlinks, buff orpington, black sexlinks all hens all 4.00 each
we still have a few silkies about one month old 5.00 each, black austrolorps 3 weeks old 4.50 each
many have been asking for baby ducklings we got em, mallards, Swedish, crested peking, this was a special order 7.00 each.
quail chicks two week old 1.50 each, adults 5.00 each, we are getting eggs daily out of these adult birds.
peacocks, we have many young ones in many colors 75.00 each.
adult peafowl 150.00 each.
variety pack of eggs 18 pack, goose, duck, turkey, chicken, and quail 6.00
baby geese about one month old 15.00